Guide to Skill Development Courses for Getting Better Jobs in Hospitals & Clinics

Many people dream of working in the healthcare industry for numerous reasons. To get the satisfaction of having made a difference in the lives of people, to help them in their times of sickness and …

Many people dream of working in the healthcare industry for numerous reasons. To get the satisfaction of having made a difference in the lives of people, to help them in their times of sickness and bad health or to have a professional workplace and earn a decent livelihood. To work with a group of professional and well qualified personnel and enjoy meeting new people every day. The reasons maybe diverse but if the goal is to secure a better job in hospitals and clinics then the best way to do so is by upskilling. You may be trying to gain entry into the healthcare profession or you might be trying to move up the corporate ladder in your chosen field the way to go is by acquiring new skills through skill development courses. Here is a brief guide to the various skill development courses for your benefit.

1. Diploma /Certification in Medical Laboratory Technology
This course trains the students to work as full-fledged lab technicians. They are capable of collecting samples, storing them, analyzing the sample and creating a report based on the sample to be further analyzed by the doctor. They briefly study blood bank management, safely disposing bio-medical waste, materials management, and supply chain management. They are also trained to clean and maintain the equipment in the lab while adhering to the quality control standards according to NABL regulations.

2. Diploma /Certification in Medical Record Technology
Here the students are trained on handling medical case sheets and records in a scientific manner. They check a file for completeness and prepare a file for storage. They are made aware of the International classification of Diseases I.e the ICD 10 system and should enter the appropriate code in the file.

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3. Diploma /Certification in X-Ray and Imaging Technology
Trained students are eligible to work in clinics and radiology departments as radiology technicians. They are given a basic understanding of human anatomy and physiology and are taught the right way to handle X-Ray equipment, develop exposed x-ray films using both using both wet development and computerized X-ray machines. They are also taught how to handle Sonography, CT scan, MRI and Ultrasound machines.

4. Diploma /Certification in Dialysis Technology
Trained students go on to become skilled Dialysis technicians who are capable of handling hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis on both the Fresenius and B Braun dialysis machines. They are trained on preparing dialysis fluids and washing and storing the dialyzer for reuse.

5. Diploma /Certification in Operation Theatre Technician
Students with this training will be capable to maintaining and preparing an Operation Theatre for surgery. They are trained in setting up the instrument trolleys and the operation theatre as per the specific surgery by positing the operation table and the patient in the right way and also assisting the surgeon during the operation.

6. Certification in Hospital Front Office & Billing Executive
Trained Front office executives will be capable of recognizing medical terminologies, abbreviations and diagnoses. They are capable of working on hospital information system for hospital operation work and real time online billing

7. Certification in Emergency Medical Technician
Trained professionals are equipped to respond quickly to emergency medical situations and provide critical pre-hospital care to patients. EMT’s are highly critical resources and there is a huge demand for skilled EMT resources in all hospitals and nursing homes. They should be trained in handling highly critical and emergency situations like heart failure, accidents, and burns and so-on by providing the necessary first aid and arresting further damage to the patient.

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8. Certification in General Duty Assistant
General duty assistants are trained to be nursing aids in hospitals as well as home care environment for patients who are unable to look after themselves. They are trained in both helping the nurses as well as independently caring for a patient themselves by providing the required nursing care.

9. Certification in Home Health Aid
These students are trained to look after a patient who is unable to look after themselves and provide basic nursing care in home care setting.

10. Certification in Phlebotomy Technician
A phlebotomy technician is trained in extracting blood from patients and preparing specimens for testing by labelling them correctly. They are experts in drawing blood from patients by minimizing their pain and discomfort.

Smart academy as also tie-ups with numerous medical and paramedical institution in Delhi and will ensure that the students get 100% placements after their training.Smart Academy believes in giving back to the society and hence aims to improve the livelihood of many people by helping them be a part of the healthcare industry and earn their living in a dignified manner. It lays a foundation for securing a good job in the healthcare industry and inculcates in its students a mindset of service. It constantly encourages them to be better at their job every day and up-skill as and when required to secure better working opportunities.

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