The Coolest Christmas Snowglobe Flash Animation

It is very interesting how many people find this article that I wrote almost two years ago looking for the snow globe…. (It’s currently being read 50-75 times a day) The original link no longer …

It is very interesting how many people find this article that I wrote almost two years ago looking for the snow globe…. (It’s currently being read 50-75 times a day)

The original link no longer works, but you can find it here (Thanks Ray):

If you like this and/or know of any other cool snow globes please take a minute and comment in the comment section below. …..


I remember seeing this a few years ago and it still is amazingly entertaining to me.  It reminds of Little Computer Peoplea game from 1985 on the Commodore 64.  It was originally written as an advertisement for (which I believe is now defunct).


This animation goes on and on with the people getting into fights, the snowman eating the snowman maker, fist fights, ski jumping, and an old man yelling out the windows.  If you wait long enough the old man will sleep walk into the glass and when you’ve had enough, you can just grab the globe (with your mouse) and shake it up causing all the people to fly around, screaming, and tumbling.   It’s hysterical!


You’ll need flash to make it work.  There are links that allow you to send it to a friend and you can even download it to your computer.  Either way it’s pretty entertaining.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!




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